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Can I Really Do Jail Time for My Traffic Violation?

It is not a stretch to say most cops won’t hesitate to ticket you when they catch you breaking a traffic law. Tickets can lead to the suspension of your driver’s license. Yet most people don’t realize that being convicted of a traffic violation can carry serious consequences and even jail time.

Minor violations can result in hefty fines and points on your license. However, Major traffic violations can have you peering out from behind bars.

Traffic Violation Types

A quick traffic violation search will produce two types: minor, which are also called traffic infractions; and major, which are called traffic crimes. Let’s take a deeper dive into the meaning of each and their consequences. Minor traffic violations include:

In essence, minor traffic violations are not good, but usually don’t seriously hurt anyone. On the other hand, criminal traffic violations in Florida are treated very seriously. Some examples are:

Thanks to popular movies, street racing is alive and well, but a tragic event led to the death of a young mother and prison time for an illegal street racer. Beautiful Bayshore Waterfront is frequented by families, like Jessica Reisinger Raubenolt and her daughter. They were attempting to cross the street when they were hit by Cameron Herrin, who was drag racing.

Herrin was clocked at 102 MPH. The speed limit in the area was 45 MPH. Herrin faced a sentence of up to thirty years in prison. This is a sad story, but what most people don’t realize is you don’t have to kill somebody to do prison time.

Harsh Penalties for Traffic Crimes in Florida

Not only can a DUI land you in jail or even prison for a third offense, but other major traffic crimes also have severe penalties:

  • Fleeing from or eluding the police: If you’re ordered to stop your vehicle by a cop but refuse, you could face a minimum of three years and up to a maximum of fifteen years in prison.
  • Driving with a suspended license: Up to sixty days in county jail and/or fines exceeding $500. For a second offense, the perp can spend as much as one year in federal prison. A third offense can get you up to five years of prison time.
  • Leaving an accident scene: If a person was seriously injured in an accident you caused and you flee the scene, you could face up to five years in prison.

Try Your Best to Avoid Jail Time. Call a Lawyer

If you’ve been arrested and wonder, can I really do jail time for my traffic violation? It’s time to stop pondering and call a lawyer. Accidents happen. Smart people sometimes make mistakes.

The attorneys at Hersem Law are your best shot at avoiding jail time. Give us a call at 813-296-6214 or fill out our online form to find out how we can help.

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Penalties for Speeding in a Construction Work Zone

When workers are present in a construction zone, they’re at a higher risk of being struck and injured or killed during their work day. Because of this, Florida laws are stricter about speeding in these zones. Unfortunately, that means you may have been pulled over for speeding in a work zone. 

Paying off that ticket may lead to bigger problems, too. If you’ve been pulled over for speeding in a construction work zone, reach out to a Tampa speeding ticket attorney for help. 

Fines May Be Higher 

When you’re pulled over for speeding, you may already be expecting to pay a fine if you were to plead guilty. These fines can be costly, leaving you to dig into your savings or money that could have gone to food or rent. 

But speeding in a construction zone is worse. In these cases, your fines may be doubled as compared to a speeding ticket elsewhere. You may even be expected to attend driving school, which only adds to the time and money you’ve spent on a traffic ticket. 

That’s why your lawyer is focused on getting your ticket reduced or even dismissed, when possible. Construction zone speeding tickets may take a larger toll than you realize. Luckily, we’re here to reduce that impact. 

Points on Your License 

When you’ve been accused of speeding in a construction zone, you may also need to worry about the points on your license. If you’re pulled over more than once in a short period of time, these points can impact your license and your ability to drive. This is how speeding puts your license at risk.

For example, speeding in a construction work zone may net you three points on your license if you choose to plead guilty and pay the fine. If you receive twelve points in as many months, your license may be suspended for thirty days. If this speeding ticket isn’t your first offense, it’s more important than ever to seek help defending your case in the courtroom. 

Can I Lose My License for Speeding in a Work Zone? 

Unfortunately, points on your license can add up quickly. While your license may not be automatically suspended for speeding in a work zone, cumulative penalties can lead to serious consequences. 

For example, you may have accrued several points over time. Twenty-four points within thirty-six months can leave you without a license for a year. That’s a long time to rely on public transit or family and friends. 

But avoiding a license suspension may be possible, even if it feels difficult for you on your own. Your speeding ticket lawyer has the tools and experience you need for your defense. 

Talk with a Traffic Ticket Defense Attorney Before Your Court Date 

When you’re accused of breaking the law and endangering others, it can have a big impact on your future. 

Fortunately, your lawyer at Hersem Law wants to help you overcome these penalties. During your free strategy session, we’ll discuss your options for defense and how we can represent you in the courtroom. To learn more about our services and get your speeding ticket–related questions answered, reach out by calling 813-251-7291 or by completing the online contact form below. 

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Florida Drugged Driving Penalties

Driving under the influence of drugs is a serious offense, and a conviction can hurt more than your license. It can hurt your future. 

But what exactly are the serious repercussions for a drugged driving conviction? If you’re not sure what penalties you may be facing, review the details below, then speak with a Florida DUI lawyer at Hersem Law so you know what to expect and how we could help you avoid conviction. 

Penalties for Your License 

For a first-time offense, your license may be suspended for six months to a year. That’s in addition to the one-year administrative suspension if you refused to provide a breath, urine, or blood sample on the night in question. If you’re a working adult, that’s a significant amount of time to take a rideshare or public transportation. Worse, if you drive for a living, which may be the case for taxi and delivery drivers, truckers, and rideshare drivers, among others, you may have to seek other forms of transportation and even employment. 

If you have previous convictions, your license may even be revoked. That means you won’t just pay a fine to get it back. You’ll need to retake your driving test and pay your fines to get your license reinstated. 

Even if your case is reduced to a reckless driving charge, you will face penalties like points on your license if you’re convicted. 

Criminal Penalties 

Drugged driving will net you more than a traffic ticket. A DUI is also a misdemeanor, which means you may be facing criminal charges on your own if you don’t seek out a lawyer from Hersem Law. 

Even if this is your first offense, you may face a maximum of six months in jail for impaired driving. That’s a long time to be away from your family, your pets, and your home. 

You may also face financial penalties, which may include fines ranging from $500 (misdemeanor) to $5,000 (felony). There will be additional court costs and other outside expenses on top of the fines, so the financial penalties can total close to $10,000 even for a first DUI. 

Finally, you may also be expected to complete DUI school and community service hours before your sentence is complete. 

Impacts on Your Criminal Record 

It’s not just your license that will suffer—it’s your criminal record. Even if you pay your fees, serve any jail time, and get your license back, a criminal conviction will remain on your record for the rest of your life. That record is also public for those performing a background check. 

Let’s say you’re seeking a new job in the future. Your potential employer can see the drugged driving conviction on your record, and they may avoid hiring you. This issue can happen for those seeking housing, a loan, and other important services. 

That’s why it’s important to avoid the charges now rather than deal with their fallout later. If you don’t defend your case now, you can have trouble overcoming the penalties for drugged driving. 

Get a Strong Defense with a Drugged Driving Lawyer 

The penalties for driving while intoxicated can leave you struggling to get your life back on track. But what can you do to prevent these penalties? 

The lawyers at Hersem Law can help you act now to protect your future. If you’ve been accused of drugged driving, your lawyer can review the facts and build a defense to potentially get your charges reduced or even dropped. When you’re ready to learn more, reach out by calling 813-251-7291 or by filling out the following online contact form. 

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Penalties for Possession of a Controlled Substance in Florida

When you’re accused of possession of a controlled substance, the charges you’re facing may be steep penalties for the charges. These penalties can impact your life for months or even years, making your recovery after a conviction more difficult. 

The easiest way to avoid these penalties is to avoid a conviction. A Tampa drug lawyer from Hersem Law can help. But what happens if you don’t fight the charges? Here’s what you can expect. 

Prison Time 

When you’re convicted of possessing controlled substances, one of the first penalties you may face is prison time. Possession of a controlled substance can be up to a third-degree felony. That can lead to up to five years in prison. 

That’s a long time to be away from your family and out of the workforce. Because of this, you may find it even more difficult to return to life outside of prison after your sentence is over. 


You may have the option to pursue probation, but that doesn’t mean you’re free from any penalties. Probation means that you may serve your sentence outside of prison, but you’ll also face restrictions. For example, you may be barred from going near places where you may have purchased drugs or owning a firearm. You may also be expected to attend meetings with your probation officer. 

If you fail to do any of these things, you may lose your probation privileges. That means you’ll have to serve the remainder of your sentence in prison. 

Financial Penalties 

The financial costs of a criminal conviction can be steep, too. For possession of a controlled substance, you may be expected to pay up to $5,000 in fines

That may wipe out your savings, or it may leave you in debt for some time. You may be unable to work for years because of your prison sentence, leaving you unable to make the money to pay off these fines. That can put your family under unneeded financial strain during this already-difficult time. 

Long-Term Impacts of a Criminal Conviction

But even if you pay these fines, serve out your sentence, and do everything right, you may still have trouble recovering from a conviction. If you’re convicted of a felony, those charges can stay on your record for the rest of your life. 

Your criminal record can be seen by anyone performing a background check. That means potential employers may see your conviction and refuse to hire you. Landlords may refuse you housing. Lenders like banks may refuse that refinancing your family needs to keep the house. 

That can have a devastating financial and social impact on your life. With a criminal record, especially one with a felony, you may have a difficult time overcoming your history and getting your life back on track. 

Connect with a Defense Attorney in Florida 

When you’re accused of a crime, you need to focus on your defense, rather than accepting the penalties you may face.

Let your lawyer at Hersem Law help you defend your case and work to overcome the penalties you may face. We offer free strategy sessions so you know what we can do for you before your case goes to court. To get started with your free session, call 813-251-7291 or complete the following online contact form. 

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Can a Lawyer Get a Bench Warrant Lifted?

When you’re accused of a crime, from a traffic ticket to felony charges, you may have felt relieved to pay your bail bond and go home. That happiness may have been short-lived. You were issued a bench warrant, and now you face another embarrassing, scary arrest. 

Continue reading to learn what is a bench warrant is, how do you get rid of it, and when it’s time to call a criminal defense lawyer for help. 

Why Have I Been Served a Bench Warrant? 

When you’ve committed a crime, you’ll typically see a warrant out for your arrest. The police issue these when someone is suspected of or witnessed committing a crime. Bench warrants serve the same purpose, but are issued differently. 

When you’re arrested and booked, you may be released on bail until the date of your trial. If you don’t show up for your court date, the judge may issue an arrest warrant from the bench, or bench warrant. When a judge issues this warrant, you may be arrested and taken to jail again. This time, you may not be released until your trial begins. 

Penalties for Failure to Appear in Court 

When you fail to appear in court, the penalties can be harsh. Being returned to jail to await your trial is stressful, to say the least. You may have limited time and energy to focus on your case and on building your defense. Worse, your trial may be weeks or months away. 

You may also face more penalties for criminal offenses. Failure to appear is indirectly contempt of the court, which comes with a fine of up to $100. While that may sound like a light penalty, you’re already facing harsh penalties. Adding to those penalties can make it difficult to recover. 

Pursuing a Dismissal of a Bench Warrant

When you’re facing a bench warrant, your focus may be on proving your failure to appear shouldn’t be punished. In these cases, your lawyer can review why you failed to appear and help you prove you had a valid reason. 

A valid reason to miss court is typically an emergency. Maybe you were ill and in the hospital, or maybe your child needed emergency care. If a genuine emergency arose, you may have grounds to get this bench warrant lifted. 

If you had a valid reason to miss your court date, speak with your defense lawyer about the reason you missed your court date. They can compile evidence and speak on your behalf about your emergency situation. That can help you avoid penalties for a situation you couldn’t avoid. 

Let a Tampa Defense Lawyer Help

If you’ve been accused of failing to appear in court, you may have grounds to defend your case. Accidents happen, and your lawyer can help you avoid major consequences for a mistake like this. 

When you’re ready to defend your case after a bench warrant is issued, reach out for your free strategy session. We at Hersem Law are ready to take your case when you call 813-251-7291 or when you fill out the online contact form below.