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How to Beat a Felony Drug Charge

When you’ve been accused of a felony offense, it can be tough to overcome the charges and avoid a conviction. You’ll need to be prepared to fight back to protect your future, but that’s not always easy. As such, you’ll need to know how to beat a felony drug charge before you get started.

Fortunately, you don’t have to defend yourself alone. A criminal defense lawyer from Hersem Law can give you the support and the defense you need to recover from your charges. When a felony drug conviction puts you at risk, you’ll need prepare so you can stand the best chance of beating those charges.

Building the Right Defense

First, you’ll need to focus on defending yourself from the charges being brought forward. You and your lawyer can discuss the circumstances of your arrest, why you believe you weren’t at fault, and what you can do to protect yourself.

For example, you might have had your vehicle or home searched illegally. The legal process to search someone else’s property involves law enforcement having reasonable belief that a person is committing a crime. So, if you’re in a routine stop and the officer forces your trunk open without cause, evidence they encounter may not be admissible in court.

In some cases, you might be facing felony drug charges for a crime you didn’t commit. For example, you might live with a family member or roommate, and you didn’t know that they were manufacturing or selling drugs. You and your lawyer may need to focus on showing that you weren’t aware of the drugs at all, let alone were involved in the crime.

Get the Right Help with a Drug Charge

To beat a felony drug charge, you’ll need the right help for your case, too. If you’re not prepared with the right help, it can hurt your case, possibly leaving you with serious penalties.

It can be tempting, for example, to take on your case alone. You might believe they have little or no evidence to convict you and that you don’t need a lawyer to fight back. Unfortunately, even if you’re confident in your own defense, you could still be left with a conviction. A person defending their case alone may not be taken as seriously, and you won’t have the resources a seasoned lawyer might.

Unfortunately, even a public defender might not give you the full defense you need. While they have the experience and resources, they may not be focused on your case, potentially leaving you with serious charges and no dismissal. You’re not likely to get the same attention and care from an overworked public defender that a felony defense attorney can provide.

Fight Back with an Experienced Attorney’s Help

When you’ve been accused of a drug-related felony, fighting back is vital. If you don’t defend yourself to attempt to get your drug charges reduced or dropped, you could be facing harsh penalties that will leave you struggling to recover. Fortunately, you have a chance to take action and protect yourself.

If you’re not sure how to beat a felony drug charge, your Tampa felony lawyer from Hersem Law can help. Bring information about your felony drug charges to us for a free strategy session, and we’ll get you up to speed on Florida’s controlled substance laws and show you how we can help you move forward.

When you’re ready, we’re ready to help. Give us a call at 813-251-7291 or complete the following online form.

Hersem Law

How to Beat a Felony Drug Charge

Tampa Criminal Defense Lawyer
1550 W Cleveland St Suite 9, Tampa, FL, USA

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