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Do Arrest Warrants Expire in Florida?


When you’re accused of a serious crime, facing your arrest warrant head-on can be scary. You could be facing life-changing charges that impact you for years. Because of this, you may have wondered, “Do arrest warrants expire in Florida?”

Waiting on your arrest warrant to expire won’t help your case. If you’re unsure how to approach your arrest warrant, a criminal defense lawyer in Tampa can help. We have tools to help you gather evidence, deal with your warrant, and focus on getting your charges reduced or dismissed.

Time Limits for Arrest Warrants in Florida

When you have an arrest warrant to answer for, you may think about waiting for time to pass and for the warrant to expire. But arrest warrants don’t just expire in Florida. You can be arrested for an outstanding warrant at any time, whether it was issued a week ago or a decade ago.

The time limits for an arrest warrant don’t impact whether you can be arrested. But that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything about your warrant or an arrest.

If you act now and face your warrant head-on, your lawyer in Tampa can help you seek to get your warrant recalled, where possible. If your warrant can’t be recalled, as is the case for most felony charges, your lawyer can help you plan your voluntary surrender before your case goes to trial.

Facing Your Florida Arrest Warrant

Whether you’re facing misdemeanor or felony charges, your arrest warrant won’t just go away on its own—it must be resolved. Luckily, your Florida defense lawyer can help.

When you’re accused of a crime, avoiding arrest and ignoring your warrant may make your situation worse. While the prospect of going to jail may be scary, your criminal defense lawyer can represent you and help you address your warrant.

We can start by helping you learn if your warrant can be recalled and if your case can be resolved without your even appearing in court.

Or, if a recall isn’t possible, we can often arrange a discreet arrest. You don’t have to wait until the police knock on your door—your lawyer can help you with a voluntary surrender, and we can help make processing as quick as possible.

Being proactive about your warrant looks good to the justice system because you’re being cooperative. It could even result in better treatment—and lesser penalties, if you decide to enter a plea.

Answering your warrant now gives you and your lawyer time to prepare a strong defense, too. You may have more time to gather evidence, talk to witnesses, and prepare for your day in court.

Get a Defense Lawyer’s Help with Your Arrest Warrant

If you’ve been accused of breaking the law, you may be tempted to try to avoid your day in court. You may even consider avoiding the warrant, hoping that it will all blow over. Unfortunately, your case may not be that simple, and you may face more penalties for failing to answer your arrest warrant.

Luckily, the lawyers at Hersem Law are here to help. If you’ve been accused of a crime, your criminal defense lawyer can represent you in court and defend your case. We can even offer a free strategy session, where we can discuss your warrant and your best options. To get help facing your arrest warrant, reach out by calling 813-251-7291 or by completing the online contact form below.